
Showing posts from April, 2023

Child Abuse: Why does it happen? and how does it affect children

I was hiding in the corner, staring at my dad so fearfully, scared of what he was about to do. He had a lready hit me multiple times already, to the point where my bruises had bruises. This was the most fear I had ever felt in my life, the tears coming from my eyes as I begged my dad to just stop.     This was my experience with abuse as an 8-year-old child. No child should ever have to g o through an experience like this, yet millions of kids do daily. But why? What causes this abuse to happen? Well, there are many diffe rent factors that go into this like parental factors, environmental factors, and even the child itself is a factor in wh y abuse happens. Abuse regardless of how small or large of a scale can also have very negative effects on children for the rest of th eir lives.       Children Factors   The child is the smallest contributing factor to abuse but it is still a reason why abuse happens. Things like the child’s mental, social, and emotional development pla