Racial profiling in society




                                                        Racial Profiling in Society 

        Early in the morning my uncle was strolling through the chaos in New York City heading to work as usual. On his usual commute to work something exceptionally unusual occurred. While my uncle was trudging through the crowded streets a strange man approached my uncle and uttered “stupid Mexican”. My uncle Bruce is my mother's brother, her whole side of the family is Puerto Rican. The stranger not knowing my uncle made harmful assumptions about him. This goes to show how common racists act occur. In many instances acts of racism are not always verbal there is an occurring issue in the world today with racial profiling and in some cases it can get violent.  


Targeting people for suspicion or investigation based on their race, ethnicity, or country of origin is a contentious practice known as "racial profiling." Law enforcement officials frequently employ this technique to deter crime and uphold public safety. Racial profiling, on the other hand, is a gravely unjust and discriminatory practice that contravenes the fundamental ideals of justice and equality. A person may experience a variety of problems with their mental health in addition to other things if this were to happen to them. 

Racial profiling causes people to be treated unfairly because of their race, ethnicity, or country of origin. Due to their skin tone or cultural origin, innocent persons may end up being stopped, searched, or arrested. This is not only unfair and unjust, but it may also cause law enforcement personnel and the communities they serve to lose trust in one another. 

Harmful prejudices and preconceptions about particular racial or ethnic groups can be perpetuated by racial profiling. This can fuel more prejudice and discrimination in society and foster a hostile environment that is unwelcoming to people of racial or ethnic backgrounds. Utilizing racial profiling to keep the public safe and reduce crime is counterproductive. 

Law enforcement officials risk missing crucial information or failing to recognize potential dangers from people outside of their own racial or ethnic groupings if they concentrate on a small number of these groups. Racial profiling can also incite hostility and animosity in populations that are being targeted, which can significantly raise the risk of crime and violence. 


Many minority groups have been wrongly convicted of crimes due to racial bias and systemic inequalities in the criminal justice system. Studies have shown that people of color, including Hispanics, are more likely to be stopped, searched, and arrested by law enforcement than their white counterparts. “Nearly 100 million traffic stops across the United States, black drivers were about 20 percent more likely to be stopped than white drivers relative to their share of the residential population.” (Communications, N. W. (2020, May 5). Research shows black drivers more likely to be stopped by police. NYU.). This statist shows the ratio of a minority getting stopped over a white person. The study done by Ravi Shroff also found that “once stopped, black drivers were searched about 1.5 to 2 times as often as white drivers, while they were less likely to be carrying drugs, guns, or other illegal contraband compared to their white peers.”  

These disparities are unfair and are very preventable. A thorough and varied approach is necessary to address the complicated and multifaceted issue of racial profiling. Intensive cultural competency training is required for police officers. 


      Officers can avoid racial profiling by utilizing this training to better understand and respect the cultural diversity of the communities they serve. To ensure that officers who engage in such activities are held accountable, police departments should develop explicit policies and procedures that forbid racial profiling. Furthermore, impartial monitoring organizations might be established to keep an eye on and investigate racial profiling accusations.   

             Racial profiling is a damaging and discriminatory activity that contravenes the fundamental ideals of justice and equality. Law enforcement officials should concentrate on evidence-based police techniques that emphasize public safety and respect for the rights and dignity of all people rather than targeting people based on their race, ethnicity, or national origin. By doing this we can create a safer and unprejudiced world to live in. 


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